Ada Lovelace & Mary Fields Sculpts

These two are now ready, with Audrey Hepburn and Jeanne d’Arc currently on the sculpting bench (Audrey blog to come tomorrow!).

I met with Alan on Thursday at Leeds Armoury and he brought them along to pass over in person, a real treat! Firstly, here they are with the gang! The Gang makes me so happy, imagine the adventures they could have together!

“Stagecoach” Mary Fields

I’ve knocked up these little collages, and will try to for future minis! There’s very little change between sketch and sculpt. We made sure to get the right shotgun, whereas my scribble was generic, and changed Mary’s head angle slightly, but otherwise, we were right in sync. Even the tactical mound! I remain in awe of Mary and her achievements.

Ada Lovelace

I cannot WAIT to see this dress painted up in glorious purple fabric! Alan was really happy with my solution to drape the punch cards down the arm, so I am feeling like a nice smug minis designer now. Again, this needed barely any change, the cards going over the arm look better, and it’s altogether a beautiful mini and clearly recognisable as Ada.

Pre Order

You can pre order these now, the first 100 will get those lovely art cards


A sizeable chunk has already been allocated so don’t delay to ensure the lovely card! The art will be by Martin Whitmore and he’s got the task on his lap ready for the new year, then off to the printers next door to get them made up. Yay!

Poll Results – Minis 7,8,9 & 10

Thank you to everybody who voted! 790 votes in total, which is impressive for sure. Third and forth were shimmying back and forth a bit while the poll was open but first and second were pretty much winning from the get-go. I am surprised by some results, yet not by others.

Over a quarter (29%) voted for the first four, so winning by a good margin. Special mention to Jeanne Hatchet who was SO CLOSE.

So the winners are…..

The next stage will be figuring out how these miniatures will look. I’ll make threads one at a time for each, but feel free to post (Facebook group, comments here, or any other of the social media or email) any information or wishes you have for any of these four – ie if there’s a certain way you’d like to see them as a mini or some common misconception you need to scream.

You can’t please all the people all of the time.

Apologies if who you really wanted to see as a miniature wasn’t voted for, it is the nature of the beast. She isn’t gone forever though! You can nominate her in the next round, and the next round, and the next round….! They won’t automatically be added to future polls, but so long as you nominate them, they will be there.

This means you have more chances to convince everybody why your suggestion is excellent. You can keep posting about them, maybe sharing other information and pictures and things. The joy of the project is it’s a neat trick way we can all educate each other. What’s the worst that can happen – oh no we all know a bit more about interesting women from history oh no!

An embarrassing amendment

When I was catching up after the hiatus, I miscounted the totals and therefore how many we unlocked. It said we are currently unlocking number 14, but it is actually 12. So 11 are currently unlocked. I wasn’t going to say anything so as to not look silly/unprofessional but in fact, covering it up and funding those extra two myself would be THE silly/unprofessional way! The totals raised don’t cover the whole miniature in terms of sculpting, moulding and production, but it’s enough for us to subsidise the rest after each total – ie you do X amount and we do the rest. SO it’s not a “free” project for me, if that makes sense. So adding two more wouldn’t have been a good thing for the project – ie massively overstretching myself/Bad Squiddo!

So hopefully you can understand my humble apology, again for the teething of this as a project. It means there is currently just one more to unlock, but well on the way to the next after that.

Contrary to this though, I do have one extra miniature that will be free to anybody who added to the ko fi before a certain date. I need to sort the date, but pretty much up to now-ish. She will be available as an extra purchase for everyone after this too. More information soon!

Thank you for supporting this, and I appreciate it can be confusing as I keep sending you all across the internet, but we will get there. I’m super happy to be able to bring these next four to life, and have you all help me with the deep, dark research!

SPOILER: I actually already made a start on Ada Lovelace and Audrey Hepburn while the poll was still live, NERD!

As always, any questions, let me know, and this blog is the best way for a concise “what is happening.”
