Big Project Update/Changes (Good ones!)

Since the project was first launched, it was more of a hit than we could have imagined, and while this was an excellent problem to have, it meant the little system I devised was actually way too complicated.

We have powered on, but whenever I have found myself explaining how it all works, I’ve found myself zoning out, let alone the person I’m talking to. There’s a lot of steps. Going to Facebook, Ko-Fi, Blog, Website, what! You’d need a whole guide! So I am extra grateful for everyone who has been patient while I find my feet with this.

For a while I’ve known I’ll have to “relaunch” this and have had it whirring away in the back of my mind all different possible solutions and tweaks, and I am pretty much there now!

Mini #14 will be the first that hasn’t “pre funded”, so a perfect time to reset.

It was always supposed to be that money happened AFTER the mini was voted for, but you were so excited we unlocked so many and voted afterwards – which, again, is still amazing and appreciated! it meant there was a lot to do and people waiting, so this new method is hopefully to be able to manage it better and hopefully have something like a mini a month, though it could be more or less depending on popularity.

Because I wanted to catch up with the figures before I got more money thrown at me (woe is me), I’ve kept the project a bit on the “down low” but once we’ve relaunched I can do a bit of a podcast tour and promote it much more widely, which will be amazing for it. You have been the beta testers, thank you! We’ve made something incredible.

So what is changing?

We’re ditching ko-fi for this project (mostly – if you’re a subscriber you’ll have an email about that). Having to buy the thing and then redeem the thing is two steps that can be done in one.

The miniature most recently voted for will be put up as a pre order item, with an UNKNOWN delivery date. This is where you throw your fivers (instead of ko-fi), and once 60 people have pre ordered, sculpting begins.

You can pay the £5 AND shipping, or just for the mini, as you can choose the new “combine another order” at the checkout. This is handy to make sure you’ve grabbed your Collectable Edition and helped fund it, but you don’t have to have it shipped yet. Whenever it’s available, you can place an order of anything and leave a note saying “ship my others too please”, as you could have multiple orders stacked up like this.

The option to do this will only be on the latest miniature. You can also pre order it with other minis, but those won’t be shipped until that one is. If you need anything else sooner I would recommend separate orders.

There will be a total on that page showing the progress, though it will be manually updated with a date stamp.

Dammit Annie you’ve rambled and made it sound confusing again! Don’t worry, it’s probably because I am over explaining. And that we’re in the transition period. I’ll be editing and making solid instruction pages and even little leaflets with the information.

JUST TO ADD TO THE CONFUSION the latest 3 minis are “pre funded” so they WILL be made. it’s Mini #14 onwards the new changes really kick in.

So you can now pre order Mary Read, Anne Bonny and Olga of Kiev if you wish, here. And pay for shipping today, or “combine with another order” which can be made whenever. It costs no extra to do this.

Please do feed back on if this makes sense or if you have any other ideas as it’s not all in stone yet, the changes will make more sense once #14 has been voted for.

and as always…. THANK YOU!

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